

Happy Easter (Buona Pasqua) from the ºÚË¿¹ú²úÔÚÏß! Today Western Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. Though not as common as images of the , the events of Easter appear frequently in Italian art. Recorded in all four Gospels, the Resurrection itself was not witnessed and therefore was not visualized by artists until the 12th century. The Noli Me Tangere — Do not Touch Me — and the Doubting Thomas, were other common images designed to celebrate the Risen Christ.

Piero della Francesca, Resurrected Christ, fresco, 1463-5, Pinacoteca Communale, Sansepolcro

Pietro Lorenzetti, Resurrection, c. 1320, fresco, Lower Church, San Francesco, Assisi

Fra Angelico, Resurrection of Christ and Women at the Tomb (Cell 8), 1440-42, fresco, San Marco, Florence

Vecchietta, , 1472, bronze, The Frick Collection, New York

Luca della Robbia, Resurrection, 1442-5, glazed terra cotta, Florence, Duomo

Michelangelo, The Resurrection (recto, detail), 1531-32, black chalk, traces of red chalk, Royal Collection, Windsor

Agnolo Bronzino, Resurrection, 1552, oil on canvas, Santissima Annunziata, Florence

Giotto, Noli me tangere, 1305, fresco, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua

Fra Angelico, Noli me Tangere, ca. 1430, illuminated manuscript, Missal 558, fol. 64v

Andrea del Verrocchio, Doubting Thomas, bronze, 1476-83, Orsanmichele, Florence

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