
Conferences & Lectures - Kress

Timothy McCall, Villanova University

鈥溾楴o Great Sin in a Lord鈥: Galeazzo Maria Sforza and the Materiality of Lordship in Renaissance Milan鈥

Sala della Passione, Pinacoteca di Brera, via Brera 28, Milano

Galeazzo Maria Sforza鈥檚 myriad, splendid garments and adornments materialized courtliness and aristocratic status. Their display was a potent ideological tool wielded by聽蝉颈驳苍辞谤颈听迟辞听legitimize authority and naturalize hegemony for subjects. As Bernardino Corio asserted, Galeazzo鈥檚 court was 鈥渙ne of the most resplendent in the Universe鈥 and truly 鈥渟plendid beyond measure.鈥 This talk explores the ways that the display and expenditure required to make it so not only fundamentally constituted this duke of Milan鈥檚 power, but equally precipitated his downfall.

Timothy McCall is Associate Professor of Art History, and director of the Art History Program, at Villanova University. Hs research centers on Italian Renaissance court art and society, and on visual intersections of power and gender (particularly masculinity) more broadly, in addition to histories of fashion and material culture.

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